Driven by Innovation
Moser-Baer fosters and cultivates the valuable attribute of innovation equally in all areas of activity: with our Mobatime brand, in the medical technology sector, and especially in the area of start-up support.

The Art of Medical Technology
Know-how and market-oriented innovation enable customized solutions for the medical technology industry.
We develop individual solutions for our customers and offer advice and support for the design and production process. If desired, we cover the entire value creation process: development and design, choosing suitable materials, production, assembly, quality management, packaging, and shipping. This applies to small to medium-sized series and prototypes in a wide variety of materials, including carbon-fiber-reinforced materials.
Mobatime – a Quality Swiss Brand
The Moser-Baer group has its roots in watch manufacturing know-how. The associated quality and values from our early years have remained even if the networked high-tech time systems of MOBATIME today have little to do with analog products.

The legendary Swiss Federal Railways clock that was developed in 1947 no longer only works in analog mode though it is familiar to every Swiss citizen and has become an actual archetype for train station clocks. Rather, these thousands of clocks across the country show exactly the same time to the second thanks to the signal they receive from a master clock.
These kinds of clock systems are one of MOBATIME’s main areas of activity and offer not only analog time displays but also digital displays according to customer requests. We also offer time synchronization and time reference systems.
Global corporations use our high-end NTP time servers to generate high-precision time signals. MOBATIME gives the time, from the second to the nanosecond.
MOBATIME distinguishes itself with customized system solutions focusing on professional advice and customer support. A strong service organization secures our customers’ investments for years. Competent employees take care of project planning and installation of Mobatime systems and also guarantee reliable support, maintenance, and repair services.
Feasibility analysis, production concept, implementation, series production – we accompany your company to success. Because we have what you need!
Our expertise, strict quality controls and adaptability to needs set us apart. We are focused on creating a solid foundation for a long-term partnership that will help your startup grow successfully and establish itself in the market.